Fusion Utilities & Burdens Annual Infrastructure Conference
Great to support Fusion Utilities & Burdens at their annual infrastructure conference at Silverstone race track.
WASK® is committed to providing quality products that allow the safe drilling, flow stopping and bypass of live Gas Distribution Networks.
As part of our continuing process of product improvement and responsible life-cycle management, products in the field which are no longer manufactured and have reached the end of their ‘expected service life’ are first discontinued and then obsoleted from the WASK®portfolio. To this end the WASK® MKI base has already been discontinued and then obsoleted and now the spares for its maintenance have now also entered this final cycle.
WASK® hereby gives 90 days notice that from 1st September 2023 spares for WASK® MKI bases will no longer be available and the WASK® MKI base will therefore be fully obsolete. After the date of final obsolescence, neither WASK®, our authorised distributors or approved service providers will be able to sell, rent, inspect, maintain, repair, service, or support this product. This posting is to advise you that, to the extent permitted by law, WASK® is unable to accept liability for any adverse events causing loss, damage or injury if obsoleted products have been inspected, serviced, maintained, repaired or otherwise supported by an unauthorised third party, have non genuine parts fitted and / or remain in use on live gas operations following their obsoletion.
The WASK® MKII base is an appropriate alternative product that has all of the features and functions of the ‘obsoleted’ product that need to be replaced, plus the following additional benefits:
> Easier to maintain – No need for gasket eliminator to be applied after maintenance to re-seal as the MKII base utilises a rubber seal.
> Quicker to maintain – No need to allow the gasket eliminator to cure for 24hrs after
> Safer to operate – Vent plunger has been replaced with a ¼ turn ball valve which
offers a more positive locking mechanism which is also less likely to block with dirt
To support this obsoletion process WASK® can also offer preferential terms for customers wishing to replace their obsolete products on a ‘one for one’ amnesty basis. Please refer to the fliers below showing the offer available from our distributors.
For additional information or assistance, please contact your Fusion Utilities or Sunbelt
Rentals representative.
1st September 2023